Friday, July 16, 2010

Second day of OJT!

It’s was a very tiring day for us. The second day of our OJT was on field. We interviewed people about our new administration, for a radio plug. So we walked on the street, talk to different people like a driver, student, crew etc. As we go on we decided to go to SM North to have more people to be interviewed. After that we just get the materials needed for editing and then we go to the drama studio and Sir helped us to edit the radio plug. We did three radio plugs for this day! What an achievement! I am really thankful for everything Sir Rey taught us and for letting us to experience real production in radio. He is so easy to work with. There are no dull moments, with him. He also told us that we are going to do a radio documentary. It was just our two days of OJT here in DZRM but it feels like a month because of the things that we did here. We are very lucky. Thanks be to God. I am so happy about everything that is happening in our OJT even if sometimes i am pressured but it so worth it to be here more than 8hours in a day! Good luck to us!

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