Thursday, July 15, 2010

First day of OJT!

It was really a great and wonderful day for me. This is my first day of OJT here in DZRM 1278. I can really say that this is one the best day of my life. I arrived early because I don’t want to be late. Mr. Sampang was really strict when it comes to time. Sir Rey told us to make at list two news article. After that he checked it, and then he told us to recite it. And give some advice in news writing and announcing. And then we go to the studio because it was Sir Rey program from 8-am to 12nn. We were so shocked when he told us that we will report the news that we did. It will be On-Air, of course we are so nervous but sir makes our presence as great as he can. He is such a wonderful person. We really enjoy every minute of our staying there. At some point he talked to us on-air. He really make us part of the show. And it was really overwhelming, such an achievement!It was just our first day yet we did it. Thank God for this. We were so lucky to have him as our supervisor in this OJT. No words can explain how much I feel right now. Thank you so much Sir.

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